My melody

Monday 9 May 2016

Etiquette at a job interview

Source: YouTube

The proper dress etiquette when attending a job interview

Source: YouTube

Tips on how to ace your interview session :D

Top 10 Interview Tips and How to Impress Your Future Employer

Source: YouTube


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! This is my personal, and sometimes work-related blog. I share my thoughts, ambitions, and opinions here all the time. Do come and visit my blog should you have the chance :D

My name is Nurul Asyiqin Ammaleeyna bt Samsuri, currently into my 3rd and final year of studies in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). I am highly passionate about my doing a degree on the English Language; particularly doing a major in Linguistics, for it has been a passion of mine for quite some time.

I have dedicated this section of the blog as my E-portfolio. Here, in my About me section, you will get to know and understand a little more about who I am whereas, in My education & career objectives, you will see me as a creative and professional individual.

I have also included some sample video, CV, and cover letter at each different post of this blog for everyone to see and make comments. 

Sample video on how to answer some tough interview questions

These are the few examples of types of questions that would be asked of you during an interview. I have uploaded a video of me answering these tough and most commonly asked questions during any interview sessions in order to give some picture of how interviews would be or feel like. I have also uploaded this video on my Facebook account. Feel free to visit it anytime you want to :D

This is the link to my Facebook account ->

I have also taken the liberty to include several other interview questions that might be asked instead of the ones that I have prepared in the video. I hope that this post would help you and everyone else ace their interview sessions with great ease :D

This is the dress etiquette that one should follow before going to any job interview; one should never dress shabbily because it might literally cause you not getting the job that you have applied for.

This is a useful tip to increase your chance of acing your interview session and of being hired.

Sample resume for a job application (Sales Executive for Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur)

Sample CV for a Sales Executive Position at Traders Hotel Kuala lumpur by Asyiqin Ammaleeyna

Sample cover letter for a job application (Sales Executive for Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur)

Sample Cover Letter to Apply for a Sales Executive Position at Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur by Asyiqin Ammaleeyna

My connections

List of clubs and organizations that I have associated with during my undergrad years(IIUM):


·         Committee under Forum and Speech bureau (IIUM’S Global Ummatic Week)
·         Public Relations Officer; managing events for the Jamiyyatu Khadamatil Quran club (JKQ IIUM)
·         IT Personnel for Media and Publications bureau of the Mahallah Representative Council (MRC IIUM)
·         Volunteering for PROTEP; teaching underprivileged children program (organized by IM4U)
·         Participant in an International Students’ Conference
·         Anugerah Gangsa Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda (Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association)
·         Former national-level debater


·         Took First Aid courses for two semesters (acquired First Aid Certificate)
·         Conversational Mandarin and Arabic languages
·         Fluent in English (speaking/writing)
·         Excellent communication skills and a good team player
·         Proficient in professional and business writings (English/Malay)
·         Computer literate in word processing, Excel, and SPSS


My education and career objectives

I am highly ambitious, passionate, and optimistic in nature; therefore it is safe to say that I am very focused on achieving all of my dreams and objectives in life.
A proficient, confident, and organized individual looking for an entry level job opportunity as an executive assistant. I am able to work and manage myself in a fast-paced office environment; I can meet tight deadlines on many tasks or projects; unsupervised and is able to use my own creative initiatives to get things done the way they should. I have a lively personality and a positive and optimistic approach to everything around me. I am now looking for any suitable positions that would offer chances for my career development and self-improvement.

Here in IIUM, I am currently majoring in Linguistics; Bachelor of Human Sciences (English Language and Literature). I am expected to graduate around August 2016, this shall be my 3rd year of studies and also my final year as an undergraduate in IIUM. I love to be able to do a degree in the  English language because I have always felt that I have so much potential in this area of study and now that I am here, why not I try to expand my abilities further? I specifically chose this major because though I am creative and innovative, I also find that I am highly technical in nature too; I strive to look for the finer things that detail our lives and what are the mechanics involved in such processes, especially in the world of the English language.

In sha Allah, soon after I graduate, I intend to become a teacher specializing in English language or working as a HR Personnel in one of the biggest firms in the country so that I could realize my potential as an individual and also a fluent speaker of the language.

About me

My name is Nurul Asyiqin Ammaleeyna binti Samsuri. I am an undergraduate, majoring in English & Literature in IIUM. I specifically major in Linguistics. I am currently in my 3rd year of studies and will be graduating in August this year, in sha Allah. I am 21 years old and is a highly spirited individual; eager in learning and living life to the fullest. I have traveled to some parts of the world (Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, UK, and Australia); genuinely interested in understanding more about the cultures around me :)

I like traveling, reading novels (not the sappy kinds, mind you), and I like to shop till I drop! I am also a confident, free-spirited individual looking forward to the finer things in life. I have a very optimistic view into life and I always appreciate what life has given me so far, because the way to succeed is by learning from your past mistakes and never looking back at your failed moments.

The way to be truly happy and successful in your life is to simply move forward and appreciate the little things that you would normally take for granted :)

My favourite quotes and life inspirations

Inspirational quotes that I respect and live by
~ Steve Jobs (1955-2011) ~